This version has the beginnings of what will be bookmarks and hypertext links throughout the document. Click and go. Maybe two to three months before this is complete. Minor corrections in this version, with a link now to a picture gallery for Minerals Unlimited in Ridgecrest, California.
The local publisher who has been reviewing my book informed me this afternoon that his people are going to pass on the project. They don’t view it as being profitable. I was told early on that it would be an expensive title to produce, what with the number of photographs involved and all of the graphics that would need to be made. Fair enough.
I’ve set up an account at Patreon. On October 1st or soon before, I’ll start releasing some of my chapters there for free. The first file will be big, 16,000 words or so in .pdf on rock related places to visit or collect throughout the Southwest. Rock shops, museums, USFS and BLM district offices, fee/dig reviews and on and on. All with GPS coordinates. I either visited these places in the last two years or they were recommended to me. I’ll have a pay side too, at Patreon, which can be explained later.