I’ve put together a gallery of photos that show the Shoshone Museum’s outdoor rock display. The display consists of rocks and descriptive signs of same. The gallery pages do not connect, so check the bottom of your screen to click to the next page.
I have begun to type out the text you see in the sign for photo captions; it may take the rest of the week to complete this job. When done, the information will be easier to read and perhaps machine readable for those with impaired vision.
Update: Captions completed!
Digital-Desert (external link), has some pictures of the same rocks with some extended descriptions of their own. They feature close-ups of some rocks and that is something I will do on my next trip. They also have ads, lots and lots of ads.
Make sure to click on each photo in the gallery to see the full picture and caption.
“Shoshone Museum Outdoor Rock Display - A Walk Through Time. These numbered rocks are samples of some of the major geologic formations in the Death Valley area. Displayed in order from the oldest to the youngest they show the complex geology of the area.” Note: The photos in this gallery are in alphabetical order.
Bonus footage, rocks found in a dump alongside the road yesterday.
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From that rock dump I found yesterday. Visible light, SW, ME, LW. Colors fairly true, SW shot retaken. Blue is real if slightly overstated. Midwave produces a happy combination peach and lime green which shows better in person. As do all fluorescent mineral displays. #minerals#quartz#fluorescentminerals #roadsidefinds #rocks#