Continuing On With all Matters Right and Relevant

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Do you know what this is? I saw one yesterday and broke off a stem simply by touching it. Saw another today and left this fragile assemblage alone. Termites! As Jim Boone of emailed me: Hi Tom, That is the work of termites. They have to stay underground, so they put mud on above ground stems so they feel like they are underground. The same could be said as: The workers think they need to stay underground, so the ruling class puts mud on above-ground stems so the workers feel like they are still underground. Stay well, Jim Jim Boone Las Vegas, NV #termites#mojavedesert#desert#inyocounty#naturalworld#insects#mojave

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Limestone Chinese writing rock? Porphyritic something or other. Not igneous, fizzes when powdered. Marine rock country in the North Nopah. ID forthcoming. Rough cut for specimens, too soft for cabs since it can’t produce a high polish. I’m just experimenting, anyway. #geology #limestone#mojave#explore#desert#inyocounty#lapidary#rocks#rockhounding#geologistonboard

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This screamed “Garden rock!” when I walked by. My bad leg screamed “No way!” The rock won. The rock always wins. #o#roadtrip #inyocounty #madness #rockhounding#hiking#exploring#geology #geologistonboard #minerals#musthaveit#deathvalleyregion

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Marine fossils in the rock. I’m not a fossil guy. The paper I reference was behind a paywall. Twenty bucks. I paid it an still going through it. It does mention oolites and I think that’s responsible for the lizard skin texture seen in many of these pieces. #rocks#geology#marinefossils#mojave#desert#inyocounty #fossils#dolostone#nopahwildernessarea #lapidary#

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Out to Nopah (Again)

I’m leaving writing and most of social alone for now. My handle at Instagram is tgfarley if you want to check out some of my latest trips. 

Writing feels extremely unhealthy these days and I am much better when I can get outside and rockhound without having to write up everything about what I find and do.  I’ve done enough of that and it was enjoyable while it was enjoyable.

Here are two videos I placed in the public domain. You’ll find them on YouTube as well. I’ve written about Nopah countless times and you can find more photos of mine by looking up the Nopah Range on Wikipedia.

And here is some iPhone footage looking into the South Nopah.
Follow me on Instagram: tgfarley