In The North Nopah. Again.

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I walked the edges of the gully going up, walked in the gully going down. No sign of anything man made on the way up until I got to the top. Disturbed ground actually just bare, exposed limestone. What they did on top would have only taken a trail. Audio boosted on all of today’s videos, the good mike is packed away somewhere with the other stuff I am moving. #geology #roadtrip#geologyrocks#explore#pahrump #inyocounty#nopahrangewilderness

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Working up the canyon. Setting my go back point. Or, I was. #geology #quartz #rockhound #hiking #geologyrocks #nopahwilderness#inyicounty#explore#nature#adventure#outside

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This was my stopping point until I saw higher ground. I bag all peaks. But it turned out to be a fairly wide, broad area of ground with interesting things all around. Next video. #geology #roadtrip #rockhound #hiking #rocks#geologistonboard #outdoors#nature#pahrump#inyocounty

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Unknowingly at this point, I am probably a hundred feet or more above an old working of the Nancy Ann Mine. It has to be below my feet which I’ll get to in another video. Check out the lichen following cracks or fracture lines in these nearby rocks. #geology #geologyrocks #geologistonboard#nopah#pahrump#explore#hiking#mojave#desert#mojavedesert#rocks

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These limestone hills may naturally contain many voids. These were big enough to sleep in. Absolutely no litter anywhere. What I found next was undoubtedly the opening to an air shaft for a mine below, probably well below. I’m unaware of any caves in these hills but entrances these days are not publicized except to a few in the spelunking community or whatever they call themselves. #geology #quartz #rockhound #hiking #explore#outdoors#nopahwilderness #pahrump

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Sorry this isn’t in portrait view. Above the shelters I heard a continuous noise on this fairly windless day. Did not have my external mike. Huge amount of bees around this opening. Constant wind noise which I usually hear from a mine with an unblocked opening somewhere. You tell me, air shaft for the mine or from a cave? People were definitely up here and though it doesn’t look like a man made opening, I’m thinking it could be little else. Could not feel any wind because of the bees preventing me from getting close but that has to be wind noise, coming or going. I wonder if there is moisture below and hence the bees. You tell me! #mines#geology#rocks#caves#limestone#exploring#tunnels#nopah#bees#desert#mojave#inyocounty#geologistonboard#geologyrocks#adventure

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